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southwest Florida Orchid Society

Orchid Care Tips for the Month of April

It’s dendrobium and phalaenopsis season so, hopefully, you have lots of orchids flowering at your house.

April is a great month to repot your orchids. Once they finish blooming and start to show new growth, they are ready to repot. It is best to complete this before the rainy season hits.

Now is the time to fertilize your plants as this is the beginning of the growing season.  Also, watch for mites and thrips and use an insecticide that will kill them.  Make sure you always check the label on insecticides for instructions on proper use.

If you are thinking about mounting your orchid on a tree in your yard now is a good time. Make sure the new growth is facing up against the host tree – not away from it. The new roots want to be next to the bark of the tree to grab onto it. Secure it tightly so there is no wobble of the plant. Be sure to remove whatever you used to hold the plant on – wire, string, panty hose, etc. – after it attaches.

Primary source: Dr. Martin Motes

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